net-snmp 5.7
Modules | Defines
Registry of MIB subtrees, modules, sessions, etc
The Net-SNMP agent

Maintain a registry of MIB subtrees, together with related information regarding MIB modules, sessions, etc. More...


 Lookup cache, storing the registered OIDs.

Maintain the cache used for locating sub-trees and OIDs.

 Context cache, storing the OIDs under their contexts.

Maintain the cache used for locating sub-trees registered under different contexts.

 Maintaining MIB subtrees.

Maintaining MIB nodes and subtrees.

 Registering and unregistering MIB subtrees.

Adding and removing MIB nodes to the database under their contexts.

 POSIX signals support for agents.

Registering and unregistering signal handlers.

Detailed Description

Maintain a registry of MIB subtrees, together with related information regarding MIB modules, sessions, etc.