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UCD-SNMP Tutorial -- Toolkit

Note: Much of this tutorial requires ucd-snmp-4.2.2 or higher!, so make sure you get it before running the commands found in this tutorial.

Note: A new tutorial for net-snmp 5.0 and above is available as well. The commands is the ucd-snmp specific tutorial will not work as expected if you are using net-snmp and not ucd-snmp.

The examples found below should give you enough of a starting point to begin developing simple programs using the ucd-snmp libraries. Here are the files that we are going to talk about and generate:

MakefileA simple makefile used to build the projects
snmpdemoapp.cThe sample application code
asyncapp.cThe asynchronous application code
UCD-SNMP-TUTORIAL-MIB.txtThe MIB we'll be writing code for
ustScalarSet.hThe mib module's header file
ustScalarSet.cThe mib module's C source code
ustMain.cThe main() code for a demon we'll be writing

Note: of these demonstrations required ucd-snmp-4.1 or higher.


  1. Programming a simple application.
  2. Programming a asynchronous application.
  3. Programming a mib module to serve information described by an SNMP MIB.
  4. Compiling the mib module above to be used as a dynamically loaded shared object.
  5. Writing a subagent program to attach to the master SNMP agent using the mib module from above.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 01-Aug-2018 04:41:28 UTC
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