Net-snmp extensions
From Net-SNMP Wiki
Here are some links to net-snmp extensions and net-snmp-based software:
- mod-apache-snmp: monitor Apache2 with SNMP (dlmod module implementing APACHE2-MIB)
- Bacula SNMP subagent: perl-based net-snmp "pass" extension for the Bacula backup tool
- Squid SNMP support: using "proxy" (what else, it's Squid ;-))
- Jasmin: an implementation of the IETF Script MIB (RFC3165) for Java as the scripting language (dlmod module)
- Ramon: a RMON2 Network Monitoring Agent (RFC-2021, dlmod module)
- HP Insight Management Agents for Servers: dlmod module implementing HP private MIBs for HP servers
- VMware ESX server 2.0 SNMP agent (using AgentX, commercial)
- Solaris (for pass_persist, by Jean-Sebastien Morisset)
- BIND9 statistics (using "exec")
- Postfix Mail stats (using "pass")
- MySQL monitoring (using perl subagent)
- SNMP agent for PostgreSQL (in C)
- Combining Net-SNMP and SUNWmasf on Solaris (using proxy)
- Net-SNMP module for LVS (using dlmod)
- OpenHPI SNMP Subagent (AgentX, implemented based on mib2c.array-user.conf)
- Net-SNMP Subagent for NFSv3 stats (AgentX, implemented in Perl)
- 802.11 interface: Net-SNMP mib modules in C (Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, NL)
- Linux Disk IO (using exec)
- OSSP snmpdx (framework for Perl-based agent extensions using pass/pass_persist)
- Linux software RAID monitoring (dlmod module)