Feature Marking and Selection
Note: Features discussed on this page require Net-SNMP version 5.7 or higher.
Many components of Net-SNMP are present to support certain features in the code. But if the code that requires a feature isn't compiled in, the supporting code still is and needlessly adds to the size of the running executable and libraries.
Design Criteria
- By default, everything must still be included. 3rd-party developers may be making use of code even if internal Net-SNMP code isn't.
- A configure flag (--with-minimialist) to enable minimal code
- --enable-mini-agent should probably turn it on?
- Flags to request including and excluding of features
- --with-features="foo bar"
- --with-out-features="foo bar"
Feature Marking and Requiring Macros
To start with, include <net-snmp/features.h>
#include <net-snmp/features.h>
If you're implementing code that is only needed in certain locations, declare the feature name using the netsnmp_feature_provide() macro:
If the feature is dependent on the availability of another feature, use the netsnmp_feature_require() or netsnmp_feature_want() macros:
netsnmp_feature_require(foo) netsnmp_feature_want(bar)
In this case, if foo is unavailable a hard-error will be triggered. However, if bar is unavailable the compilation will continue.
Coding Using Features
To mark code as removable if a feature is unneeded, surround it with #ifndef markings:
#ifndef NETSNMP_FEATURE_REMOVE_FOO /* normal foo code */ #else /* !NETSNMP_FEATURE_REMOVE_FOO */ char unused_feature_foo; #endif /* !NETSNMP_FEATURE_REMOVE_FOO */
A few important notes:
- Always use the #ifndef version of checking. If the features.h fails to define anything, the feature will be included by default.
- Always include the define name in comments after #else and #endif clauses. Later "code-removal" scripts will depend upon it.
- The char definition is important for avoiding warnings on compilers that complain or refuse to compile empty files.