User talk:Panger123

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Revision as of 16:33, 31 July 2008 by Wes (Talk | contribs) (answer)

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I have some problem now

  you know, I use Fedora-8.0-linux systerm , It has the sof-package of net-snmp-5.4.1 , when I installed this system, the net-snmp5.4.1 was installed in it . But it only have snmpd and snmpdtrapd , now I need snmpget snmpwalk ..., so I rpm -e net-snmp.

Then I loadown net-snmp-5.2 from internet . I do like this:

  1. tar zxvf net-snmp-5.2.tar.gz
  2. cd net-snmp-5.2
  3. ./configure

(and I choice 3 , let the others blank , click enter. No wrong)

  1. make
  2. make install
NO wrong , generate the snmpd snmpget snmpwalk snmpbluckwalk in /usr/local/sbin

but I can't find the configuration(snmpd.conf and snmptrapd.conf) in /etc or /usr/local/etc so I can't use snmpd or snmptrapd ! then I use the snmpconf to create snmpd.conf , put this configuration in /etc/snmp/,in /etc/net-snmp/ ,in /etc/ ,in /usr/local/etc ,in /usr/local/etc/snmp/orin /usr/local/etc/net-snmp/ when I run snmpd . It allways said that the snmpd can't find the snmpd.conf ,so I do like this : snmpd -c ~/snmpd.conf it output " Warning: No access control information configured . Counldn't open udp:162 --errno 98 ("Address already in use ") " what is wrong ? Could everyone help me .

best wish!

Fedora's location for snmp configuration is different than the default source configuration. The default location for configuration files from the source code is "/usr/local/share/snmp". Wes 09:33, 31 July 2008 (PDT)