Template:FAQ:Agent 14
From Net-SNMP Wiki
Normally, you would use the command-line option '-I -{module}'
to disable the initialisation of a particular MIB module within the
agent. Unfortunately, it's not currently possible to turn off SMUX
support this way.
The safest approach is to run
configure --with-out-mib-modules=smux
and recompile the agent.
If this is not possible, an alternative workaround might be to have the agent bind the SMUX socket to an invalid IP address, using a snmpd.conf line such as:
The agent may complain at startup, but it won't accept any incoming SMUX requests.
If the agent complains about not recognising the "smuxsocket"
token, then you're out of luck. You'll either have to recompile
from source, or use local firewall rules to block connections
to port 199.