From Net-SNMP Wiki
Notes from the admin meeting on 2006-11-03
- next meeting:
- 11/17/06
- 5.4 issues
- configure patch
- still at 2-0 even though more requests were made for me to write it.
- Robert +1, will write to coders
- other reviewers would be good
- python support
- no known issues
- memory inconsistencies
- we should release stuff as it has been done before, regardless of whether that is wrong.
- If we're inconsistent between OSes then we shouldn't change what a OS reports from 5.3 to 5.4 for an OS
- We will have to create a new object(s) that are define properly and report the correct values consistently on all OSes. This is functionally a bug fix and can go into all patch branches too.
- various people even agreed to do comparisons and will report back to coders. We'll fill in holes after we see what people test.
- configure patch
- 5.4 schedule
- posted to HTML
- wiki
- darix has possible suggestions about speed and will write coders
- binaries (trogl)
- wants to turn on sensors
- group mostly agreed to turn it on for 5.4 in the source
- rstory will create the patch and post to coders